
Aspiring CAOs Committee

The Aspiring CAO Committee helps ensure the OMAA cultivates growth opportunities for the next generation of CAOs. The Committee identifies and promotes functions (events, programs, services, etc.) designed to help the OMAA develop a clear pathway from senior management to CAO plus relevant supports to help members negotiate that pathway. Committee Members are appointed by the Board of Directors for a two-year term. A majority of the members should be aspiring CAOs. A majority of members of the Committee constitutes a quorum and shall include either the President and/or Vice President. 

The Aspiring CAO Committee meets remotely 3-4 times a year. Meetings are roughly one hour each.

2024-2025 Committee Members 

Marnie Cluckie, City of Hamilton (Chair)

Melissa Osborne, Town of Amherstburg         

Rebecca James-Reid, City of Barrie    

Inderjit Hans, City of Brantford  

Ray Mensour, City of Windsor  

Randy Scherzer, County of Grey                

Kirstin Maxwell, Town of Huntsville            

Peter Marra, Town of Lasalle   

Annette Diamond, County of Perth       

Adam Goheen, Prince Edward County

Mike Melinyshyn, Town of Innisfil         

Sarah Klein, Town of Whitby          

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is responsible for reviewing and selecting a winning application for the annual awards distributed at the Fall Workshop. The Committee may also provide advice on how to promote the awards and ensure that they remain relevant. Committee Members are appointed by the Board of Directors for a one-year term. The Committee is composed of up to five members and no less than three members.

The Awards Committee meets remotely 2-3 times a year. Meetings are roughly one hour each with about an hour of prep.

2024-2025 Committee Members

Margaret Misek-Evans, CAO, Town of Tecumseh (Chair)

Valerie Critchley, CAO, Town of Amherstburg

Thomas Thayer, CAO, Municipality of Bayham

Christine MacDonald, CAO, County of Bruce

Kara Van Myall, CAO, Town of Saugeen Shores

Adam Garcia, Manager, Executive Office, AMO

By-Law Review Committee

The By-Law Review Committee provides oversight of the Board's governance practices with the objective of ensuring good governance, accountability, and transparency. The Committee identifies, promotes, and discharges functions designed to help the Board of Directors govern with excellence and comply with legislation and regulations that apply to it. Committee Members are appointed by the Board of Directors for a two-year term. The Committee is composed of up to seven members and no less than three members. A majority of members of the Committee constitutes a quorum and shall include at least one member of the OMAA Executive.

The By-Law Committee meets remotely 3-4 times a year. Meetings are roughly one hour each and sometimes include prep work.

2024-2025 Committee Members

Denise Corry, CAO, Town of Huntsville   (Chair)

Valerie Critchley, CAO, Town of Amherstburg

Robert MacIver, DCAO, Municipality of Clarington

David Cribbs, CAO, Town of Pelham

Member in Transition Working Group

The MIT Working Group will review the existing MIT program and make recommendations on how OMAA might be able to provide some additional supports to those MITs making the transition back into full municipal employment. The Working Group is composed of up to seven members and no less than three members. 

The working group will meet as needed over the course of a calendar year. 


Rob Adams, CAO, Town of Erin (Chair)

Brad McRoberts, CAO, Municipality of Huron East

Carey Herd, CAO, Municipality of Central Elgin

David Unrau, CAO, Town of Pembroke

Greg Mariotti, CAO, Township of Georgian Bay

Peggy Van Mierlo-West, CAO, Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula

Tony Haddad, Retired Member, Senior Advisor with StrategyCorp

Nominations (Board Development) Committee

The Nominating Committee is responsible for the Board Nominations process including vetting all nominations properly submitted and recommend to the Membership a slate to be elected from among the nominees. There shall be three members of the Nominating Committee who shall be appointed by the President on an annual basis from among the Active Members who do not hold Officers positions.

The Nominating Committee meets remotely 1-2 times a year. Meetings are roughly one hour each with an hour of prep.

2024 Committee Members 

Peter Neufeld, CAO, Municipality of Leamington and OMAA President (Chair)

Jeff Lees, CAO, Town of Penetanguishene

Sonya Pritchard, CAO, County of Dufferin           

Meighan Wark, CAO, County of Huron

Workshop Planning Committee

The Workshop Planning Committee ensures that the OMAA Fall and Spring workshops provide specialized professional development that focuses on content relevant to Ontario CAOs plus executive leadership development within the public sector. The workshops are the OMAA's main vehicles to support and nourish the members by providing opportunities for fellowship and not just networking.

Committee Members are appointed by the Board of Directors for a one-year term. The Committee is composed of up to seven members and no less than three members. A majority of members of the Committee constitutes a quorum and shall include either the President and/or Vice President. The OMAA First Vice President is the Chair of the Committee.

The Workshop Planning Committee meets remotely 4-6 times a year. Meetings are roughly one hour each.

2024-2025 Committee Members 

Michael Di Lullo, CAO, Municipality of Middlesex Centre (Chair)

Dan Wilson, CAO, Township of Centre Wellington    

Sonya Pritchard, CAO, County of Dufferin           

Sherri Walden,  CAO, Town of Hanover

Denise Corry, CAO, Town of Huntsville  

Rick Charlebois, CAO, Town of Petrolia         

Matt Smith  

Greg Borduas, Retired      

Interested in Joining a Committee?

OMAA values the benefits that diversity can bring and we strive to include different perspectives and ideas to mitigate against group think and improve oversight, decision-making, and governance. This is your association. We encourage anyone interested in volunteering who can bring their knowledge, experience, and unique perspective to serve on one of our Committees. Volunteering is a great way to build upon your skills, learn from others, and to get more involved. 

Please contact the Executive Director to express an interest in joining one of our committees.